About Us
At Simeon Technology LLC, we strive for excellence in computer graphics and software development. We provide consulting services in both 3D graphics and image and video processing. We have years of experience in the modeling and simulation of sensors in various wavebands. Our experience and areas of expertise include:
- C/C++ Development on Windows and Linux
- OpenGL and GLSL Shading Language
- Advanced target and background signature modeling for Long-wave IR (8-12 micron) and Mid-wave IR (3-5 micron)
- Sensor effects simulation including noise and blur
- Image intensifier simulation
- Atmospheric effects simulation
- MODTran based atmospheric attenuation
- Turbulence simulation
- Anti-aliased real-time soft shadowing
- Particle effects
- High Dynamic Range rendering
- Bloom effects
- Automatic Gain Control simulation
- Color palettes
- Advanced lighting and material models for concurrent multi-spectral target signature rendering
- Weapon and sensor training system development
- Real-time Image Fusion using CUDA (parallel computing architecture developed by NVIDIA)
For more information, please contact us at info@simeontechnology.com